Singers : Navz-47, Shan Vincent de Paul
Lyrics: Svdp (english), Arivu (tamil)
Music by: Santhosh Narayanan
Uh-huh ye
you can’t bury alive anything that was ready to die
you can’t clip wings made of fire
that’s god’s work, the phoenix saga continues
Neeye Oli Nee Than Vali
Oya-Thini Odambe
Neeye Thadai Neeye Vidai
Soodak-Kiddu Narambe
Six Feet Deep Where They Left Us For Dead And I
Dug Myself Out The Mud With My Knuckles
Learned To Float Like A Butterfly
Sting Like A Killer Bee, Kill Or Be Fuel For Them Fools
Is you kidding? Shit I’d rather be in hell
for being reckless with my special
bet you bet you bet you bet you
before I see the pearly gates
I’ll be shining’ with my pearly whites and smiling in their face
spit the blood up out my mouth
and move them mountains out the way
Sottum Sottum Verva Thinam Sollum
Unakkoru Theerva Acham Acham Porva
Athai Vittu Illaka Nee Serva
Munnadi Vai Kala Parampara Ni-Mirum Unnala
Muneri Vai Kala Thalamura Eh-Luthum Un-Pera
Kadala Ponguthu Rosam Vilaiyadu Unok-Kosam
Thadai Solla Thaip-Pasam Nee Jaikkanum Athuk-Kosam
Kadala Ponguthu Rosam Vilaiyadu Unokkosam
Thadai Solla Thaippasam Nee Jaikkanum Athuk-Kosam
Neeye Oli Nee Than Vali
Oyathini Odambe
Neeye Thadai Neeye Vidai
Soodakkiddu Narambe
Ten toes down we in this bitch
ten rounds up against the ropes
act like king of jungle and
end up as some antelopes
who gon’ pray for you when you meet your maker at the end of that barrel?
Who gon’ sing for you when you sing that swan song with no encore?
Back when I was blooming
couldn’t buy my mamma shit
had to tell her hold on I got “made in Jaffna” in the clip
had no food up in the house
I couldn’t buy my daughter lunch
now I’m bout to take my mamma house shopping after brunch
A bunch of mother f__kin undercover swine that’s trying to slide
inside this culture that we fought for flipped and built into empires
made some Millis with no middlemen, we did this independent
I was gonna kill a couple but they wouldn’t let me finish
Like “stop! He’s dead already”, SVDP’s off his meds already
gotta take that up with the head committee
I don’t run this joint I’m just settling
a hand of god a messenger a prophet or a servant for the people I’ve been sleeping
on the edge of sanity and leaping into my glory all glory to god